Have you been following Microsoft’s plans for IE7? I have, and a blog post I read about their anti-phishing plans just about made me spit out my coffee.
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Webroot has lately been producing a series of quarterly statistics on infection rates for four types of badness:
Adware Trojan horses—botnet software falls into this category System monitors—includes key loggers Tracking cookies Now, one could certainly raise objections about selection bias.
Scobleizer points out that the WS ReliableMessaging specification has been submitted to OASIS.
With all due respect to the incredibly bright folks at the WS-I, I find the world of web services standards to be rather confusing.
Most people know that the dominant computing platform has a little problem with security. It’s a little problem with big consequences. Recently, research firm IDC released a report indicating that two thirds of PCs—including those deployed within companies—are affected by some sort of spyware.