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This week, I am attending two security shows: the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) in Mountain View, and the CardTech show in San Francisco. Both of these venues offer contrasting views of the portable identity market, an area I cover professionally for Yankee Group. As many people who know me can personally testify, I like to count things. Here a few statistics that will probably interest only me:

The bloggiste at Layer 8 just declared Security Metrics to be “That Good”. I have no idea who shrdlu actually is. But whomever she is, she deserves a hearty thank-you and an offer of a beer should we ever meet in person. Here is a snippet of what she said:

Alex Hutton was one of the editorial reviewers for several chapters of Security Metrics, and offered some excellent feedback during the writing stages. Now that the book has shipped, as a way of saying “thank-you” my publisher Addison-Wesley hooked him up with a copy.
Greetings everybody! I am pleased to announce that my book, Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt has shipped from the printers and is on its way to better bookstores near you.

ZDNet’s Ryan Naraine blogs about Joanna Rutkowska’s blog post on Vista security. Joanna pointed out that Vista’s Mandatory Integrity Control feature has a few implementation flaws and seems to default to prompting for admin credentials whenever setup apps run. EWeek’s Joe Wilcox asked me to comment on the imbroglio which I was happy to do. I also posted a lengthy comment on Joe’s story, which for posterity I reprint here.

My publisher, Addison-Wesley, has recently updated the information on my book, Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt on Amazon. Although I am particularly fond of the inside contents, I am also very pleased with the way the cover came out.