At security conferences and events, I have noticed that the distribution of operating systems seems to differ somewhat from what I read in the papers. As my last post showed, the Internet Identity Workshop skewed decidedly in the Mac direction.
I thought it would be fun to put together a quick poll asking the members of the mailing what operating systems they used. I sent out a note asking the membership to respond to two simple questions:
- What is the operating system and e-mail client you use at work?
- What is the operating system and e-mail client you use at home (or for personal activities)?
I’ve compiled some preliminary statistics for your reading pleasure. Thanks to the 27 people who responded out of a total membership of about 300. That’s nearly a 10% response rate in less than a day — not bad at all!
Objectives and Methodology
The goal of this little survey was to try and figure out if self-selected, security conscious people had a preference for operating systems or e-mail clients that differed markedly from the mainstream.
I’ve compiled operating system and e-mail statistics from three related sources:
- Responses to my previous e-mail (27 replies) — what is your operating system and e-mail client at work and at home?
- Analysis of e-mail “X-Mailer” and related headers from the mailing list (20 June 2006 to present)
- Analysis of same from traffic (i.e., paper submissions) (31 March 2006 to present)
In total, I identified 170 people who have contributed to this mailing list or sent submissions to Metricon 1.0 and 2.0. Of those, 27 provided OS/email information to me directly; I relied on header analysis for the remaining 143.
In total, I was able to identify a “preferred” operating system (either the one specified as the ‘home’ OS in a direct e-mail to me, or the one identified in the header) for 93 people. I identified e-mail programs for 131 people.
Operating Systems
For respondents who contacted me directly, and specified their work OS (n=27), Windows was the majority OS.
Name | # | % |
Windows | 15 | 56% |
Linux | 5 | 19% |
OS X | 7 | 26% |
For home (n=28), the results are quite different:
Name | # | % |
Windows | 8 | 29% |
Linux | 7 | 25% |
OS X | 13 | 46% |
Of the 27 respondents, 14 (55%) reported using a different OS at home compared to work. After taking into account X-Mailer headers, I’ve concluded that for members of this list (“security conscious people”), we can conclude that when they have a choice, our members slightly prefer Macs. Results (n=92):
Name | # | % |
Windows | 38 | 41% |
Linux | 15 | 16% |
OS X | 39 | 42% |
Amazingly enough, this suggests that Windows is a minority operating system, at least on this list.
E-Mail Clients
For respondents who specified their work e-mail client (n=27), Microsoft Outlook was the majority client.
Name | # | % |
Outlook | 14 | 52% |
Thunderbird | 4 | 15% |
Apple Mail | 3 | 11% |
Mutt | 2 | 7% |
Other | 4 | 15% |
For home (n=28), the results are, once again, quite different — and quite diverse:
Name | # | % |
Thunderbird | 7 | 25% |
Apple Mail | 6 | 21% |
Outlook | 3 | 11% |
Google Mail | 3 | 11% |
Pine | 2 | 7% |
Mutt | 2 | 7% |
Other | 5 | 18% |
Of the 28 respondents, nearly 2/3 (17 or 63%) specified a different home e-mail client compared to the one they used at work. After analysis of X-Mailer headers is taken into account (n=131), I conclude that our members prefer webmail overall, and prefer free (and non-Microsoft) native clients.
Name | # | % |
Google Mail | 23 | 18% |
Thunderbird | 22 | 17% |
Apple Mail | 20 | 15% |
Outlook | 20 | 15% |
Lotus Notes | 10 | 8% |
Other | 36 | 27% |
Interesting, no? Statistically relevant — maybe not! Let the debates begin in earnest!